Friday, November 14, 2008

Lesson re-learned.You can never outgive anyone here!

Ok, how many years have we lived in Russia? and now we live in the Ukraine? too many to count and I have already learned this lesson many times. I should have known by now, but have forgotten in my enthusiasm about giving gifts.
We have a little grandma friend that lives outside the city, 100km. She comes into the city 4 days a week to sell home made sour cream, farmer's cheese, and various vegetable things she grows in her garden. We have made friends with her, remember her from our other blogs? Well, a few weeks ago, Jerry gave her a Bible in modern Russian and a pair of reading glasses (our girls found them at Target in the $1 bins!) Well, a few days later, she gave us some apples that she grew in her yard. Jerry reminded me that this is a good thing, that our friendship is developing. I thought that this made us even in the gift giving. Then the next week, she gave us some walnuts that were from her yard as well. They are very delicious and I am enjoying them.
So, I was baking some pumpkin (for using in recipes this winter) these past few days and decided that I would bake a loaf of pumpkin bread for our little grandma. Today, I went down to give it to her and buy some sour cream from her. Guess what? She gave me more walnuts, I was trying to graciously say that we still have some from before and then she also insisted that I take some cabbage! Oh my! when will I learn? Sometimes the more you try to refuse, the more they give you. I thought that I already knew all of that, yikes, old habits die hard, don't they?
A while ago, I had an idea of asking her to come up to our place for lunch some day, the weather will become wintry soon and it may be really nice to have a warm bowl of soup in a warm place. Please pray about this, I would love to be her friend. I know that if it is God's plan, it will work out and we won't have to worry about who owes somebody something. We will just be friends. Her name is Galya. Maybe sometime she will let me take her picture? maybe not.


Donnie and Blythe said...

It's so great to read about the development of your relationships there! It sounds like you're having fun. What are you doing for thanksgiving?

sue s said...

Sounds like a friendship is developing - sharing of what you have. Bet you can learn some great recipes from Gayla! Praying for you.

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday Jerry!
We love you
Fred and Sandy

Rundstrom said...

Hey mom and dad,
how are you guys doing? I havent heard from you guys in a while and hope you are doing well. Im so thankful that we got to talk the other day. I have missed talking to you guys. But in a month i will be leaving or Ukraine for Christmas which i am very excited about. I love you