Saturday, May 29, 2010


I should be packing,... our house is looking quite topsy-turvey, action packers piled high, stacks of stuff that needs to be sorted through and really thrown away, but will stay around and finally be thrown out on the last days. You know the stuff that just is too good to throw away, but not good enough to save...

I should be packing...most of our kitchen is already in boxes, the landlord's stuff is back in the cupboards. We are having some friends over to make Thai food together on Monday...hope we can make do with what we have...

I should be packing....I go from room to room bringing something to the room with the box full of "that" stuff and find another project that needs my attention and get caught up in that project, forgetting what I was originally doing. It is hard to stay focused.

I should be packing...on Monday Jerry will take a load to the storage place. That will help me see what is still needed to be done. I think we have just a bit left. It is always a challenge to figure out what will fit into our suitcases that we are bringing home with us and what needs to be put in a box.

I should be packing...but all of these nostalgic feelings come to my mind as I pack up our stuff again. I remember that when we first came over here, our kids were little...their whole lives ahead of them. Now they are adults ready to lead their own lives. I have been stepping into this new phase of parenting for a few years now and it still feels like someone else's life, not mine. I just packed away Parker's hand print from 5th grade, it makes me stop and count how many years that has been, and I begin to think of how he will start college this year. Beki is finishing up her first year of college. Laurel and Trent are getting ready to have their first baby.

Somehow this all snuck up on me. It seems that the kids were little just the other year and now they are grown up. When we come back, it will be just the 2 of us. Wow! time ticked right by us!
I should be packing, and I just takes me a little longer as I stop and remember the times...

I should be packing....but we keep having friends over for one last goodbye, I keep reminding myself that God has a plan and He will accomplish it in these dear lives...I just need to be faithful to pray for me to trust....

Friday, May 28, 2010

elevator music

This past month has been filled with special memories, meals and events with all of the good friends that we have made here in Kiev this past 19 months. One of the special friends, is Vitya. He has been studying medicine for 4 years, on his way to becoming a doctor. We met him a year ago and have met with him weekly this year, watching movies, eating food and speaking English with him. He has become a good friend. We have also gotten to know his parents and some of his friends. On Wednesday we had a fajita dinner at our place with his parents and a friend and then we went to an organ concert. It was a lovely evening together.
Vitya will be in the states this summer, we are really hoping that we can get together with him. We are trusting God and will be praying for him this year. Please pray with us for Vitya.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our good friend and neighbor, Enver, wearing all of his medals from his service in the Soviet Army.

A Victory Day dinner at our good neighbor's home. We enjoyed getting better aquainted with another couple from our entrance. Our friend, Enver has personally introduced us to nearly all of our neighbors. We love them and are praying for their souls!

Another walk through the Botanical Gardens with Iilya, our good University professor friend.

They love to debate philosophical and spiritual topics.

May Day

Jerry and Vitya, our good friend in front of a monastery and lilacs.

We have been celebrating the many May holidays in Ukraine these past few weeks and hanging out with our friends as we begin our good-bye saying. The first of them was May Day, May 1st. We have met friends at the National Botanical Gardens just down the street from us. It is beautiful this time of the year, as the lilacs are blooming. The smell is at times overpowering and the views of the surrounding Orthodox monasteries are so beautiful!

We are trying to take all opportunities we have to spend with our friends here before we take off to the states.

We will miss them.