Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bittersweet Symphony

Well, we are sitting at the Eugene Airport waiting for our delayed plane to land. The fog is just beginning to burn out, so our flight will be leaving only about 45 minutes late. This ws nice. it gave us more time for goodbye-ing!
I have been trying not to think too far into the future about saying goodbye to our dearly loved ones, and about our new adventure in Kiev and now I find that I am not very prepared for the day ahead...tears are ready to pop out of my eyes.
Yesterday went by too quickly. It was Trent's 21st birthday! We are so happy that we could be there to help celebrate with the Wagners! It was such fun to stay at Laurel and Trent's place along with Beki too. Life can be really sweet when extra little joys are given when you aren't expecting them. We were able to spend time all together with Jerry's mom and step-dad, and had a birthday feast of roasted veggies, and steaks with Jerry's sister and husband! We were able to talk to all of my family too on the phone, thanks for calling!!!!!!!
We are so blessed, and I am remembering that God has a plan for each of us, one that He has already written out even before we were knit together in our mother's womb, and that I can trust Him because He knows the end of this story of our lives and it is all for the good for those of us who love Him. This is what God has been teaching me for many many years and I still am learning.
Pray for us as we begin these days of adventure. Pray for our kids in Eugene, OR and BFA, Germany. Pray for us!
Thanks! ~Kim~


Donnie and Blythe said...

We hurt with you over your most recent round of "good-byes". I guess you never get used to it, do you? Hope His comfort is tangible today. Love, Donnie

Unknown said...

Happy to hear of your safe arrival. We love you guys and we are praying for you too! I know that God will bless you as you serve Him there.
Love you,