Friday, December 19, 2008

An Athiest speaks out

Check this guy out. This should make it into a Sunday morning service somewhere.


JB and Iris said...

wow... interesting! How much do you have to hate someone to not tell them about the amazing gift of eternal life...? Thanks for posting this guys- where in the world did you run across it?!

Have fun with Becky and Parker!!!! Hope it's warmer there than it is here :) Hugs to all!!!

Deeapaulitan said...

Beautiful! Wow, I'm still reeling a bit from the kindness he showed in his words. (was it just me or did he look like he was almost moved to tears?) Love should always be our motivation, yet he is right. How can we say we love when we keep silent in the name of ease and comfort?

Glad you have Beki and Parker home for the holidays!