Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sauna Wars

Hi all,
I can't believe how long we go between updates. There are days when it's fun to write because there is actually news that seems to us that it it will be interesting to all of you. The days when all seems to be 'same old, same old' it's pretty tough to find the motivation.

Well, at least today is one of those 'something interesting to report' days. Yesterday at the sauna the Russians were taking on the Ukrainians in the question of whose government was better. Actually, the Russian guys, while holding Ukrainian passports, are really still Soviets and think 'the old days were better than these'. The Ukrainian guys argue back like kids who know all to well that the big, tough kid on the block can dictate his own terms.

Well, the dispute ranged all over the historical map from the ancient Slavic wars and a guy named Urich Somebody to The Great Patriotic War (WWII, to us westerners) and a guy named Adolph Somebody.
From childhood I've been a WWII buff and was able to contribute my opinion on the correctness of the dates that they were tossing around.

The discussion moved on to the Jews wandering for 40 years in the wilderness. One guy said it was because they worshipped the golden calf that God punished them in the desert. Another agreed with me that it was because of their fear-driven unbelief that God could actually drive out the scary inhabitants of the Promised Land.

The day ended with one guy saying, "Ok, Jerry, next time you bring your Bible to the sauna. We're going to turn our sauna time into a discussion time about the Bible and religion."

I don't know how enthusiastic they'll be when the time comes around but the door is open for some serious discussion. Thanks for reading along and for your support in this work. We couldn't fight our own battles without people holding our arms up.

Next time, sooner...


donandbella said...

Wow! That is exciting! Do you have a ziploc for your Bible, though?! -Donnie

Unknown said...

Hey Jerry!
Great stuff! We will sure be praying for you and the sauna debates Keep up the great work!
Love you