Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's August already!

Wow, it has been a while since we have blogged...

We have enjoyed hosting many out-of-town guests, who have come through has been great to see so many old friends and meet some new ones.

We have been busy with our friends here in Kiev as well. We see our neighbors almost daily as everyone wants to spend time outdoors while the weather is beautiful. Our good friend, Enver, sits outside and knows nearly everyone that walks by. We have met many other neighbors just standing, talking with him.

Our son has been home on summer break, it has been really great hanging out while he is home. He is a disciplined young man, studying faithfully each day, preparing for the AP courses that he has this coming year. In 3 weeks he will begin his senior year of high school. I am trying not to think about this yet, it is one part of our life that I just haven't gotten used to.

We hope to host a picnic or dinner for Jerry's sauna buddies and their wives this month.

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