Tuesday, May 19, 2009


ok, this is really quite trivial, but...I just can't help it.

I was outside talking to our little grandma friends this afternoon. We were enjoying the beautiful weather here in Kiev, it has turned into a lovely spring...talking and laughing...when I looked over at one of the gals and what should I see but RHUBARB!!!

Ok, I told you it was trivial, but in Russia in all of the years we lived there, I never saw any.

I love rhubarb, it reminds me of wonderful times as a child at my Grandma's house. We would go with her and a tea cup full of sugar and pick a stalk of rhubarb. We would play house under a big weeping willow in the middle of her garden, all the while crunching on our rhubarb. I love rhubarb.

I told one of my friends, Halya, how excited I was about seeing the rhubarb, I am sure she thought I was a silly gal. She told me that she has some growing in her yard and would bring me a bunch tomorrow.
As we talked, she told me about how her husband has been dead for 20 years, her son loves to drink too much and how she is all alone.
I had prayed just this morning that God would show us how to go to the next level of friendship with her. I also had prayed that God would encourage me, I have been feeling down lately, kind of all alone here too.
Can God use rhubarb to encourage someone? Can He use rhubarb to inspire deeper conversation? Well, He is God after all and I will have to say a big, 'yes He can!'
I'll let you know what I make with it!!!

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