It's been a while since we have blogged,
where do we begin?
We got back to the States just in time for our first grandchild's birth! Maia Grace Wagner was born a week after we returned...and...she has captured our hearts! We thoroughly enjoy being grandparents and understand that we are truly blessed!
This summer I also realized that we are now the parents of 3 adults. I knew this was happening, but somehow it crept up on me. Three weeks ago, we drove our son to his college about 2 hours away and helped him settle into his dorm room. The end of this month, our younger daughter begins her 2nd year of college...yikes!
We are now visiting with longtime friends and folks that pray for us, sharing what has been going on in our lives, how God has been working in us and through us as we allow Him. We are in Montana one of the most beautiful places in the world! Everywhere we look, we see how creation displays Gods' handiwork...
We have been blessed by all and encouraged in our adventurous life...
Each time we talk about our life in Kiev, we are reminded of all our friends back there...and remember that God's plan continues on, we look forward to returning and being a part of it!