Bright and early Saturday morning, Jerry and I went for a brisk walk together. We needed to walk off some of the extra helpings of our Thanksgiving feast. we walked down the street to the Park of Eternal Glory ( Park Vechnoyi Savwee in Ukrainian). There we noticed that it was being set up for some event later on in the day. We overheard one of the workers mention that the Ukrainian Present was going to dedicate the memorial to those who died in the Great Famine of Ukraine.
We went to the dedication that evening and I have included some pictures of it. It is quite an impressive monument.
After the dedication ceremony, we met our friend Vitya, the medical student. He had promised us that his friends also wanted to pracitce their English, but it just never worked out to meet together. Finally, we were able to meet 2 of them, Ira and Natasha. We sat at a cafe and talked as we drank tea. The conversation soon became about spiritual things. One girl went to a protestant church as a child, the other is an athiest and our friend believes what sound good to him. I love having the freedom to sit in a cafe and discuss the really important questions of life. Towards the end of our time, we met one of the girl's mother, who invited us to come to her English class and help her students practice their language skills. I am encouraged as we are planning to meet again soon. I am anxiously praying and waiting to see what God has planned for our future.